Czech Mass Spectrometry Conference 2021

Ninth annual Conference of the Czech Society for Mass Spectrometry took place

from October 11 – 13, 2021 in Prague
at the Masaryk dormitory



Merck Pragolab HPST s.r.o. Bruker Daltonics s.r.o.


Shimadzu Handels GmbH, organizační složka Waters Amedis Eastport

The invitation to give plenary lecture was accepted by dr. Zdeněk Lánský (Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) and prof. Vladimír Havlíček (Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences). There was also a membership meeting of CSHS and the election of a new organizing committee.

Those who choose Poster Talk + Poster rated rated in the “best poster competition”, with a significant financial reward. The motivation is mainly to encourage students to practice oral presentations. The classic form of poster still remains, but in limited number.

The conference was be held in English.

Thanks to the sponsors' support, the conference for CSHS members is free of charge. Please note that the valid membership is related to the payment of the annual membership fee (CZK 300, students CZK 200). Please log in to your account on the CSHS website to receive the invoice.


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Amedis Bruker Altium Merck
Pragolab Shimadzu Waters